Lena Jellie Beana Science Matters™ Learning System connects STEAM reading novel and accompanying curriculum modules to allow younger students to explore STEAM-based literature and careers in a fun and innovative way. STEAM education and early exposure are vital to 21st century learning to keep your student globally competitive academically and for the new jobs in demand. The novel, Lena Jellie Beana Science Matters is nationally recognized, has been featured on PBS, the recipient of two Disney Changing the World Awards and on Barnes and Nobel's 2020 Equity Book list for grades 3-5. The Lena Jellie Beana Learning System has been developed by a team of educators who specialize in (K-20) leadership, teacher education for multicultural students, STEM education and workforce career development.
The novel contains a wonderful scientific and character-driven plot, diverse characters that love science, a profile of three leaders in STEAM (Imhotep, Einstein, Hypatia) and a scientific glossary. The AR level is 5.5-6.0, 1 point. Lena Jellie Beana's curriculum contains two modules: English Language Arts (ELA) and STEAM-based Career Explorations, including Career Technical Education (CTE). Students will enjoy learning through different reading modalities, games, puzzles, vocabulary and technology checks.
Lena Jellie Beana, Science Matters is a science-based, character-driven book, targeted for children ages 7-12. Lena Jellie Beana is a 9-year-old girl who enjoys conducting science experiments. In Science Matters, her experiment goes terribly awry. All of her classmates, including her science nemesis, will have their eyes on her to see her next move to resolve this blunder. The conflict ignites as Lena tries to rectify this mistake and do what is right in her interactions with those involved. Lena is not alone in her scientific journey - she has renowned scientists (Einstein, Imhotep, and Hypatia), her comedic friends, and pesky little brother to help her along the way in her discoveries in science and life lessons. The AR level is 5.5-6.0, 1 point.
Module One - Curriculum-based learning in English Language Arts (ELA) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) motifs linked to Standards and Bloom's Taxonomy for higher level thinking for critical skill development. Module One is sectioned into multiple, rigorous pre-reading, reading, and post-reading activities for each chapter of the book. The activities are constructed with a balanced approach to reading, writing and oral language development. The activity design contains close reading, text dependent questions, written prompts, opportunities for students to organize responses and rich vocabulary development. It cultivates collaborative conversations and lends to spaces for new narratives in the classroom.
Module Two - STEAM Career Preparation and Exploration Module Two explores STEAM including Career Technical Education (CTE) and pathways to ignite student interest. The design links the reading, writing and oral language components as in Module One. In Module Two, students will travel with Lena for a personal career assessment, through occupational research, and analyzing labor market information. Students will venture on to learn resume construct and analysis, video interviewing submissions, and soft skills school-career connection, based on research from the Department of Labor (DOL).